
Economic Expertise & Consulting (EEC International)

Specialists in applied economics and
big data construction and analysis

Who we are

More about our work

Economic Expertise & Consulting (EEC International), in operation since 1998, specializes in evidence-driven applied economics and result-oriented big data construction and analysis for policy makers and private sector entities.


EECi is comprised of global practices (e.g. complex multi-country surveys, financial education), economic expert-opinion development and public policy media productions. EECi offers its clients a vast analytical capacity on a variety of subjects, including business climate assessment and firm performance, labor and skills development, financial capacity of business owners and managers, innovation and digitization challenges, greening of businesses, risk assessment, management and gender issues in enterprises of all sizes across the globe.

Most of our reports and consultancies require multi-country coordination on substance and logistics to obtain measurable information for international comparison purposes.


The list of clients served by EECi covers a wide range of international organizations, public entities, as well as large, medium or small private sector clients in 143 countries. Our reports have relied on the information collected through our 2,050 complex surveys, with data from more than 8,500,000 respondents including States, households, enterprises, employees, as well as diverse groups of stakeholders.

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What we do


  • Global Survey Practice

    EECi has built strong expertise in global survey design and implementation. Its highly skilled team of economists and other experts design refined tools and implement surveys in complex settings. EECi is uniquely qualified to obtain and analyse information from reluctant repondents on sensitive topics (e.g. sexual abuse, graft and corruption, non-compliant behaviour of individuals and firms).

  • Benchmarking Tool

    EECi’s forward thinking core value brought it to develop a very ambitious benchmarking system which currently has no equivalent in the world. It allows the selection of comparators and the separation of best performers to extract statistically significant best-practices, thus shedding light on causality of processes explaining performance.

  • Financial education and inclusion

    EECi’s financial education and inclusion practice has interacted with audiences with very low levels of numeracy and literacy skills in developing countries. EECi possesses a complete kit in financial education adaptable to a variety of contexts. This includes direct needs assessment materials, training of trainers guides, training manuals, as well as visual, audio and audio-visual supports ready for use with minimal adaptations.

  • Economic expert opinion

    EECi’s economists formulate valuable advice and counsel in situations requiring economic modelling, forecasting, statistical analyses, and market assessments, to name a few. These expert opinions are often presented in tribunals and quasi-tribunals sometimes in the context of litigation.

  • Public policy media productions

    EECi’s public policy team delivers its outputs on a variety of media platforms including Web-based, pod-casts, and audio-visual formats. Our experts not only tackle economic and social issues that most run-of-the-mill consultancies address, but also take on the design of policies and programs that deal with sensitive topics such as: rebuilding social consensus in post-conflict countries, re-developing self-esteem of victims of violence, integrating refugees in new social settings, and the like.


Current imprint

Most of our reports and consultancies require multi-country coordination on substance and logistics to obtain measurable information for international comparison purposes



some of our

Evidence-Driven Reports

Countries covered


surveys completed





Economic Expertise & Consulting

(EEC International)

Our team's track record speaks for itself. Tell us what you need and we'll get back to you.

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4124 Local A Saint Catherine West
Westmount, Quebec
H3Z 1P4 Canada



Phone: +1 514 939 0799
Fax: +1 514 939 2321